Friday, September 2, 2011

Malaysia Trip August-2011

For the second time I went to Malaysia last week.

I visited Malaysia for the first time in December 2007with my uncle and his family.

Last week Saturday was OFF day in Singapore for President Election. Since it is two days OFF, so I went to malaysia. I went there with my friend Zeina. Zeina's nice is studing in malaysia. So she was also join with us.
Few days back Zeina was mentioning that one of her sister wanted to go Malaysia and she could have join with her sister. Once hearing that, I told her excitedly lets go, since I did not go anywhere for more than 3 years. So I was very excited to go some where to have break.
We could not fixed our decision, because firstly I need to apply for Malaysian Visa, secondly ticket. Usually Malaysian Visa is not that difficult to approve, but unfortunately my passport will be expired next year june. So the ambaccy lately approve my Visa for a single trip on friday. At last we started our trip on friday 26 August @ 12:15 am.
It was good, but could be better if we had more time.

On the way to Putrajay, we stopped the taxi and took picture. 

 It is government Building

 Putra Masque

Putrajaya Corporate Complex

Me and My Friend Zeina 

 Oposite Side of Putra Masjid

Putra Masjid

Its me and Zeina's Nice Sarah (Infornt of Putra Masjid)

 I could not see at all, It was very sunny day. 

This picture I took inside the taxi

I love McDonalds

Malaysia Kuala Lumpur some how reminds me about Dhaka, You could be cheated by people easily if you are not aware off. Taxi drivers are not use their meter for taxi fears. So we had spent lots of money for that, and got a good lesson. Travelling is not easy like Singapore. They do have trains, express trains, monorail but these are not convenient and fears also expensive.
We returned back 28 August.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Today is 11th June 2011, Saturday. I woke-up quite late in the morning, but luckily I managed to come office by 0840 hrs. Now days I felt always tired and sleepy. May be I am being physically weak. I don't know why.......? I knew, I must be strong enough to handle all kind of difficulties. Need to be confident in every step. Hope Allah might help me every single moment.

My Birth day

This is my birth day 2011

My Birth day

It was the memorable birth day, I ever had. I really did not expect. I had planed, since my birth day falls on Sunday so me, Zeina and Narmin will have lunch outside and watch movie. But unfortunately I could not manage to watch movie coz of my FAMILY problem.
Anyway..... I left home around 1230 hrs with Zeina. On the MRT I was telling her I felt to have KFC, I did not have KFC long time....... She replied me, lets see what doed Narming want? She send sms to Narming, and told me that Narmin will a bit late, since it is heavey rain over there.  It was rainy day. The rain started at 7:30 am in the morning, some times it is very heavy with lightning and thunder.  We mate Narmin at Vivocity and had our lunch at Thai Express. Once we finished our lunch I was thinking why Zeina is not leaving, since she knows I have to go to my uncles house and its been already late.....:( After a while a knew their plan and I was totally shocked, when the waitress brought the cake instead of our bill.........WOW................ It is really nice cake with strawberry and blueberry............

Zeina and me

From left me Narmin & Zeina

Sunday, April 17, 2011

My expectation is people should realized their mistake on their own. If that really works I liked to appreciate to the person and thanked to Allah for the changing.
I am very happy to see that and same time feeling guilty. Because I am being lied all the time just for a single thing, I prayed Allah to help me to tell the truth as soon as possible. I don't like to lie and could not sand on when people do that to me, so I am feeling guilty always.

Changing Life Style

It is good to adopt some good habits. For last three years I used to sleep till 1030hrs/1130hrs on my holidays, but now days I woke-up very early in the morning at 0630hrs. Today I cooked lots of item for the next week, so I will not have to cook in the weekdays after office, which is very tiring.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Indian Recipes : Salmon Curry
Salmon Curry is a popular American recipe, A easy recipe to make salmon curry.
  • 2 pounds Salmon Steaks
  • 1 large Onion (chopped)
  • 1 large Tomato (chopped)
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp Garlic paste
  • 1 tsp ginger paste
  • 1 tsp Red Chili powder
  • 1 tsp Turmeric powder
  • 1 tbsp Coriander powder
  • 1 tsp Poppy seeds
  • Fresh Coriander leaves
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/2 cup Oil
How to make Salmon Curry:
  • Marinate salmon steaks in lemon juice. turmeric powder and salt for 20 minutes.
  • Heat the oil. Fry onions and ginger garlic paste till the turn light brown.
  • Add poppy seeds, red chili powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder and salt.
  • Mix chopped tomato to it.
  • Now add marinated salmon steaks.
  • Cook till salmon steaks are cooked.
  • Adorn with chopped coriander leaves.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Pasta Primavera with Italian Turkey Sausage

Pasta Primavera with Italian Turkey Sausage 
By: KATHYP100 


  • 1 (16 ounce) package uncooked farfalle pasta
  • 1 pound hot Italian turkey sausage, cut into 1/2 inch slices
  • 1/2 cup olive oil, divided
  • 4 cloves garlic, diced
  • 1/2 onion, diced
  • 2 small zucchini, chopped
  • 2 small yellow squash, chopped
  • 6 roma (plum) tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 green bell pepper, chopped
  • 20 leaves fresh basil
  • 2 teaspoons chicken bouillon granules
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese


  1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Place farfalle in pot and cook 8 to 10 minutes, until al dente; drain.
  2. Place sausage in a large skillet over medium heat and cook until evenly brown; set aside. Heat 1/4 cup oil in skillet. Stir in garlic and onion, and cook until tender. Mix in zucchini, squash, tomatoes, bell pepper and basil. Dissolve bouillon in the mixture. Season with red pepper. Stir in remaining oil. Continue cooking 10 minutes.
  3. Mix pasta, sausage and cheese into skillet. Continue cooking 5 minutes, or until heated through.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Life beings too Critical

I was thinking everything will be in fine in time, but I am wrong. Everything is too critical day by days.  Now difficulty is everywhere. Every end of the day I prayed that "Allah please give a pleasant day, where there is no such situations that I have say why things are always like that..... with me" but it not happening. And I hope for the next day. I don't when the expected day will come to me.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Most Incomparable Relation

The most incomparable relation is "LOVE".
Love is a feelings that you care for someone more than yourself. And the greatest love is MOTHER"S LOVE FOR HER BABY.
Why mother's love is only great? Let me explain a little bit.
When a baby born in this world he/she does not know what is going on in his/her life, the mother is that person who feed the baby from the time of birth. She always wants to serve the best to her baby. She did not ran away from the baby if a difficult situation has arrived, rather she has taking the great care of the baby. Day by day the baby grew up and mate with new people in every single day. But did the baby feel love for his/her mother same as the mother feels. I don't think so.......... Because when we grew up and mate different kind of people in different times, approximately we forgot what our mother has done for us.
When we noticed someone seems very caring, we fall in love with the person. We want to do our best for that person who just comes in our life....... strange...): If the new comer is appropriate person, you should be most successful, and if not then that will be most sufferings. But still there is a person always beside you is your mother. She will be with you when you are successful in your life and as well as your sufferings. She won't be away from you at your worst time.  That is what "A MOTHER LOVED HER BABY INCOMPARABLY"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Be-careful While Using Internet

How should I start I don't know exactly, but I would like to share my experience. Lets start like this: I do have Skype ID. Sometimes I received request from unknown person to add to my contact list, but usually I ignored them. Recently 28 of February 2011 I had received a request form a man (I am not mentioning the name). I found a little bit curiosity, so I accept his request and start talk with him. On the first day it was nice and simple to talk with the person, so I felt it is not bad............:)

On the 2nd day of chat (3rd of March 2011) he asked me a lot of direct questions, I was shocked but not getting suspicious, so I suspect him normal and strait forward. After chatting with him I logged in to my Facebook. And the suspicious matter was starting arrived in my facebook.

On right hand top side of facebook, I saw a heading "People you may know" this is not the suspicious, I have noticed that before as well. The matter is there was that name ID whom I have chat with. Because of curiosity I clicked on that ID and looked to his contact info...... I got
his email ID as well. After a while I shutted down computer.

I really did not think him as bad person yet so on 7th march 2011 I start chatting with him and after that I felt bad. I got to know that he could not be a good person............ so I logged out Skype. Next day I reached office little bit late. And also not much busy at that time so I was thinking about that chat and the person. Suddenly I remember his facebook ID where is his email and other info.....
I swiftly search through Google and got shocked like stroke...... I told myself haaaaaaaaaaaaaa what I have done........why am I being so stupid....... It is really a bad experience that people could be very very dangerous. Now I knew not everyone is testable. Actually I am not that much stupid but somehow it has been happened.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I Missed my "Ma"

When I saw a mother caring her baby, I remembered her. I was like that and she feed me and because of her today I am Farhana. Mother's love is incomparable. You might have a lot of people surrounding you to care or love. But all of them will not be stable for long time. For time being they will arrive and once finishing their needs, they go away from you, no matter you need them or not. But "Ma" will be always with you, weather you need her or not.

Recently I missed my "Ma" a lot. I missed her several times during last 3 years, but this time is completely different from that. Because now days I have been watching a mother's love to her daughter. And I missed her.
Sometimes my mother used to cry while talking through the phone,  I was telling her, "why are you crying, just remember I am always with you, when ever you feel bad just give me a call, I will listen to you, don't worry we will meet soon."
But now no one is here to say me "hey why are you sad?" 

I missed my "Ma" all the time.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Memorable Day

Date: 21 January @ 1000hrs

I am missing my day very much, which are really very memorable. I could not forget that, and do not want too.
I must thank to Allah that he is so kind.......and has given me some memorable day in my life. Yes I always remember that and missing too......

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Decided to Live Alone Again

Date: 4th January 2011 @ 1500 hrs.
I have decided to live alone again..... Again is because when I shifted out  for the fist time, that was in Nov 2009 and I back to my uncle's house again in Jun 2010. I returned because I felt guilty after sifting out from my uncle's house and at that time I was having a great problem as well. Moreover I was staying in different place but I used to go to my uncle's house Saturday to help them for weekend. On Sunday I helped them as much as I can, but all those my effort was not enough, I felt that once I wanted to leave them on Sunday evening.....
Now I am going to stay alone again. I felt them inconsiderable now days, completely intolerable. I can not take it more.... so better to live alone. And that why this decision.
Hope (in-sha-a-Allah) Allah might help me..

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year Day Experience 2011

Date: 2 January 2011 @ 1900 hrs.

Another different experience in the new year day of 2011.
The day start at 1000 hrs with having McDonald's  breakfast. Then the worst time started which no one will expect such a new year day of life.
To make food should be enjoyable if there is interest working in mind and if everybody worked together. But this is completely opposite as usual.
The tradition (yes I would like to use this word because this is the most appropriate word to me at that situation) of this family is if Bron  in rich family you do not have to work even a single thing. But unfortunately if you born in a middle class family then you should have to do everything for everybody. Does not matter you are tired or you are have high fever....... and more over if you don't know how to do the work then that would be the most worst thing............ I never know that a middle class parents can not love their daughter, and because of love some times parents might not allow the daughter to do something which could be a little difficult. As a result the daughter might not have the experience and she does not know, how can she do the work in a right way..... To love children is only for rich parents.... do you believe it.....?

So what is the experience? Now I am explaining.....
After have McDonald's breakfast go for shopping, and return home at 1200hrs. Then start cooking for celebrating the birthday of younger daughter. So to be cooked a lot of delicious food. But the thing is, one person must do everything and the rest of the people can do what ever they want......., does not matter if they have not anything to do or not but also you can not expect that they will help you for the time being you need it too. So start from 1200 to 2035 hrs completely non-stop cooking and most of the thing to be done by standing... I don't know who can do it with interest? And who can be happy if the first day of a new year started with this...............?

Please God Save us and help us... & show us the way to solve difficulty.