Friday, March 11, 2011

The Most Incomparable Relation

The most incomparable relation is "LOVE".
Love is a feelings that you care for someone more than yourself. And the greatest love is MOTHER"S LOVE FOR HER BABY.
Why mother's love is only great? Let me explain a little bit.
When a baby born in this world he/she does not know what is going on in his/her life, the mother is that person who feed the baby from the time of birth. She always wants to serve the best to her baby. She did not ran away from the baby if a difficult situation has arrived, rather she has taking the great care of the baby. Day by day the baby grew up and mate with new people in every single day. But did the baby feel love for his/her mother same as the mother feels. I don't think so.......... Because when we grew up and mate different kind of people in different times, approximately we forgot what our mother has done for us.
When we noticed someone seems very caring, we fall in love with the person. We want to do our best for that person who just comes in our life....... strange...): If the new comer is appropriate person, you should be most successful, and if not then that will be most sufferings. But still there is a person always beside you is your mother. She will be with you when you are successful in your life and as well as your sufferings. She won't be away from you at your worst time.  That is what "A MOTHER LOVED HER BABY INCOMPARABLY"

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