Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year Day Experience 2011

Date: 2 January 2011 @ 1900 hrs.

Another different experience in the new year day of 2011.
The day start at 1000 hrs with having McDonald's  breakfast. Then the worst time started which no one will expect such a new year day of life.
To make food should be enjoyable if there is interest working in mind and if everybody worked together. But this is completely opposite as usual.
The tradition (yes I would like to use this word because this is the most appropriate word to me at that situation) of this family is if Bron  in rich family you do not have to work even a single thing. But unfortunately if you born in a middle class family then you should have to do everything for everybody. Does not matter you are tired or you are have high fever....... and more over if you don't know how to do the work then that would be the most worst thing............ I never know that a middle class parents can not love their daughter, and because of love some times parents might not allow the daughter to do something which could be a little difficult. As a result the daughter might not have the experience and she does not know, how can she do the work in a right way..... To love children is only for rich parents.... do you believe it.....?

So what is the experience? Now I am explaining.....
After have McDonald's breakfast go for shopping, and return home at 1200hrs. Then start cooking for celebrating the birthday of younger daughter. So to be cooked a lot of delicious food. But the thing is, one person must do everything and the rest of the people can do what ever they want......., does not matter if they have not anything to do or not but also you can not expect that they will help you for the time being you need it too. So start from 1200 to 2035 hrs completely non-stop cooking and most of the thing to be done by standing... I don't know who can do it with interest? And who can be happy if the first day of a new year started with this...............?

Please God Save us and help us... & show us the way to solve difficulty.

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